Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Winter Writing Classes and Free Holiday eBook Downloads through Amazon

Holiday Sampler December 4th to 8th 
Merry Christmas 12/11 to 15th
Magical Christmas Pizza (children's book)  12/18 to 22nd 
Get Rich, $tay Rich 12/18 to 22nd

Winter 2021-2022         WRITING CLASSES                                                   Ariele M. Huff
GREENWOOD Senior Center                                                                        206-296-0875
ZOOM Writing Group      Thursdays 12/02/21-2/3/22     3-4:30 pm            $22 for this whole quarter!
ZOOM Link to be used each week:
 *EDMONDS PARKS DEPARTMENT               Edmonds                                  425-771-0230
 WRITE ABOUT YOUR LIFE ONLINE: Start at any time.         $102/$117 nonres
 The Joy Diet: This life improvement class is designed around the book of the same name. Deeply insightful exercises, discussion techniques, and unique recommendations bring new perspectives that promote joy.         10 sessions
 The Fun House: Come one, come all. Let's explore fun. Strategies used in the fun houses of the past can provide the key to bringing more enjoyment, more pleasure back into our lives. 10 sessions    
*MORE ONLINE CLASSES (done directly with me): Fiction Series, Script Writing, Feature Writing, Write to Inspire, Humor Writing, The Art of Storytelling, Self Portrait Books, Basics for Writers II, Writing with Style, Good Things, Build a Book, Life Map, Portrait Books, Storywheel Writing, Exploring Poetry, Write from the Heart, Short Story Writing, Early Authors, Herstory, Neighborhoods, Guilty Pleasures, Literary Methods, Character Development, The Plot Thickens, Processing Loss with Writing, The Joy Diet, Joyous Ruminations, Writing Winning Letters & E-mails, Becoming an Editor, Technical Writing & Editing, The Writers Journey, Write to Grow, Travel Writing, Monster Club (for kids & adults). $100 for 10 sessions—Tech Writing & Early Authors (4), Writers Journey (12), Ancient Healing Tools for Modern Stress (15).
 Ancient Healing Tools for Modern Stress is currently very popular. Includes astrology, tarot, feng shui, yoga methods, I Ching, some crystal uses, mandalas, and some modern tools like art and dance practices. 15 sessions. These are really fun as Skype meetings.
Phone: 360-637-8002
Blogs: and
NW Prime Time’s website: I host Sharing Stories. LOCAL section  I collect stories, essays, poetry for Sharing Stories.
Also collect poetry for Poetry Corner paper & online version and author the Writing Corner paper and online version.
FYI—Everett CC has a registration staff shortage, so several of us online class teachers are waiting until Spring or Summer to have our classes offered by them again. In the meantime, I’m delighted to offer any of the listed classes on this sheet. Students will just sign up with me and pay me directly.

Monday, February 1, 2021


                                                             Kristi at four years old.

Puzzling over how to do the story of my daughter's father. Every time I start, I find that my story with him is explained and clarified by my story. For example, we met when I was 17 and he was 23. He'd just gotten out of the army, and I was dating my first boyfriend and exchanging letters with a soldier in Viet Nam, who I'd gotten engaged to when he was on leave. 

As Bill said, he--"suave older man" swept me off my feet. He's gone now, died early at 63. We had a lot of fun together. His Pellegrini family embraced young me, feeding me, inviting me to family events, including me in holidays. His Swedish mom loaded me with gifts. I was so shy and overwhelmed that I turned many down. Goodness, the woman was offering me jewelry and expensive clothing. 

A charming and affable person, Bill was also quite handsome...along the lines of the profile of Henry Kissinger. He was muscular and had been a sergeant stationed in Germany where he learned how to toss a rifle around like a baton in drill training. He was put in charge of maintaining radio towers, jeeping to distant spots, meeting lots of frauleins, drinking plenty of beer, loving all the foods and customs. He and my mother immediately were fond of each other, partly due to their shared love of the German language and culture. They also both loved to cook. 

Bill worked at the Olympic Hotel Garage where he was often chosen to limousine high level guests. "I've met everyone I've ever wanted to meet" he said to me after we'd married. (I recall that included Danny Kaye and Jack Benny, but so many others.)  

During our courtship, I often went downtown and spent time at the library (after my community college classes) until Bill could take me back to his "apartment"--some rooms he shared with best friend Jay at the top of a family home. Sometimes, I took the bus to arrive there with a dozen eggs or some other cheap food to cook. We had fun shopping around their scant bachelor cupboards, creating recipes. I recall a chowder made with some clams, milk, and canned yams. We were quite tickled with us. Later, once married, we watched Graham Kerr, the Galloping Gourmet, who reminded both of us of Bill. (Both were Capricorns and Bill was always quite proud of being a "goat." He was born 1/15/1944. January 15th was Martin Luther King’s birthday and that only made me love Bill more as I’d always so respected MLK.

Though we were both young and stupid about relationships, we really cared for each other and liked to please one another. I recall feeling so comfortable and jolly and loving in most of my times with Bill. 

When we’d been dating for a couple of years, I was beginning to want signs of more commitment. I asked him if he loved me as he’d not said it. He said, “Is the Pope Catholic?” Now, I was young enough that I didn’t know that meant, “Of course, I do.” So there was a hilarious back and forth about what the Pope had to do with it before he just came out and said the words in frustration.

Shortly after that, he arrived at a date somewhere between my Halloween time birthday and Christmas. He was carrying a huge armload of flowers, bright and beautiful reds and pinks. They weren't live, but really nicely made artificial ones. As he handed this to me, he said he wanted them to last so I could remember this time forever. They lasted longer than he did, sadly.

Shortly after that, we decided to get married. I was 19 and a half. Mom and Dad were a little concerned about this because I was so young. Bill was bravely there but when the question of whether we'd had sex yet or not came up, he acted like he didn't know or like why is this question being asked. I turned to my father and said, "Yes, of course we were there, you know," I added to Bill. Who again harrumphed uselessly. The parents allowed it, but Bill and I got married with only his mother in attendance at a small chapel. We both had jobs, but were frugal. I'd bought my own gold band as Bill circled the block around Weisfield's.

So this is a start. So hard to find the parts of our story, his story. So many other things I haven't added...the whole story of him being a twin and adopted. Of losing his brother at 21. More to add to this pregnancy, early days with our daughter, buying a house and working on it. 


Monday, January 11, 2021

Virtual, Phone Chat, and Online classes

I'm still hard at work doing Virtual, Phone Chat, and Online classes. Elizabeth often shows up on Skype and ZOOM. :-)  

Winter  2021                WRITING CLASSES                                                   Ariele M. Huff

*EVERETT COMMUNITY COLLEGE        425-267-0150

Online classes: eBooks Start to Finish, Write About Your Life, Freelance Writing, Writing for Children, Character Development, Commas to Comments: Edit Your Own Writing, Creating a Selling Novel, Selling Your Nonfiction Book, Script Writing & Travel Writing.   

10-session classes                                                                                                            $99

 *EDMONDS PARKS DEPARTMENT               Edmonds                                  425-771-0230

WRITE ABOUT YOUR LIFE ONLINE: Start at any time.                                  $102/$117 nonres

STORYWHEEL WRITING LAB online: Writers of all skill levels/genres explore & expand their talent through writing practice. Creative output is stimulated in a supportive, nonjudgmental methodology while students use a storywheel to complete a piece of writing through character, plot, scene, dialogue, & theme development. A fun class to get you writing &/or increase your output. Start at any time. $102/$117 nonres 

Creative Writing: 8 sessions  $82  Making Magic: ten sessions $102
Storywheel Writing: Six sessions
$62 Reading Funny Stories: Five sessions $52
Monster Club: ten sessions 

Reading Funny Stories

Reading comprehension or speech enunciation issues are improved in this fun class.

 Including stories from other eras, readings will be followed by discussion and

other ways of demonstrating understanding.

This is a pleasant way to end the school day.  Five sessions $52 at Edmonds Pks

Ariele M. Huff: Columnist, freelance writer, editor, and writing teacher since1982,

Huff has worked in Learning Labs where writing skills and reading comprehension

 were tested and improved.

Making Magic  Grade Range: 3 – 5  Fee: $96, includes all materials  
Many children love stories of wizards, elves, hobbits, and other magical creatures.
In this fun class, writing fantasies and science fiction stories includes discussions
 exploring books and movies.


an expert to get some benefits from many ancient healing practices.  We’ll dip into

a buffet of methods including Feng Shui, Yogic breathing and stretching, I Ching

messages, mandala construction, martial arts centering, spirit animal selection,

homeopathic principles, naturopathic herb and diet options.  Plus, a handful of

more recent stress busters like Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Art Therapy, and

Movement Therapy. Fun and relaxing: cheaper than a spa with more practical information. 

15 sessions

*MORE ONLINE CLASSES (done directly with me): Fiction Series, Script Writing,

Feature Writing, Write to Inspire, Humor Writing, The Art of Storytelling, Self Portrait

Books, Basics for Writers II, Writing with Style, Good Things, Build a Book, Life Map,

Portrait Books, Storywheel Writing, Exploring Poetry, Write from the Heart, Short Story

Writing, Early Authors, Herstory, Neighborhoods, Guilty Pleasures, Literary Methods,

Character Development, The Plot Thickens, Processing Loss with Writing, The Joy Diet,

Joyous Ruminations, Writing Winning Letters & E-mails, Becoming an Editor,

Technical Writing & Editing, The Writers Journey, Write to Grow, Travel Writing,

Monster Club (for kids & adults). $100 for 10 sessions—Tech Writing &

Early Authors (4), Writers Journey (12),

Contact:  Website   

Phone: 360-637-8002

Blogs: and

NW Prime Time’s website, I host Sharing Stories. LOCAL section  Collect stories, essays, poetry for Sharing Stories.

Also collect poetry for Poetry Corner paper version and write Writing Corner paper version.