Saturday, August 3, 2019

Cat Size Bed

Share my bed

a queen size for you to purr

Not anymore

You are gone

I should wonder no more

You are not here

I miss your soft fur

eager to hear you meow,

proudly meow

Give me an earful

sweet pea

once again please

But away you went

leaving your beds alone in April cold

You found a sweet spot

to start it over

Mama’s tears

fell like cherry blossoms all over

Where are you now

In heaven or with another human

who also adores 

fluffy cat size bed

Doubt Zhou

Per poetry: Capitals starting each line of a poem often stop the flow. For that reason, modern poets are less likely to do this.

Poems may be edited, excerpted from, or used in Sharing Stories. Send poetry to

This is my September 2019 Poetry Corner in Northwest Prime Time. I love this poem/story & the photo he gave me to accompany it!
I'd love to include other people's poems or stories in this blog.
Ariele M. Huff

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Back to writing

After a year in our new home and area, I've begun to do writing projects of my own again. Part of the reason this took so long was the completion of a couple of book projects for clients--Jere and Kathy. Both of them had Alaskan settings! Coincidences always happen in my life and career, especially in having students or clients with similarities at any given time.

So, currently, I'm working on the next segment in the Sacrifice series: Sacrifice: Revenge. I've been thinking about and jotting notes for this project for the last year or so. It offers me some new opportunities. There will be some humor in this one as well as a rather shocking turn of events.

The other project is April Blossoms, a compilation of stories and poetry I've used from April Ryan. Longtime student and friend, she has given me many Sharing Stories poems and stories as well as contributing to several anthology books and Poetry Corner.

Not sure what my next anthology book will be. Suggestions are welcome!

I have been contemplating too what next to say in my Leaving Home book. I think we're to the "Coming Home" segment of that. At one year (June 8th), we felt we'd passed a significant milestone.

Other writing/teaching movement: I attended a group at Harbor House--free discussions on Saturday mornings. Now, I was the only one aside from the owners of that book store 😉 but it was nice to talk writing again with others.
I also had a table at the Hoquiam Library's Historic Memories day. Several people stopped by and made me feel that there is an audience for a Write about Your Life group in the area.

A fun connection was going to Pirates of Penzance at Grays Harbor Community College. The production was professional and so enjoyable. Made me feel like I'd enjoy working with the college in one way or another.

Beyond that, I'm so grateful for those who've stayed in contact--April Ryan, Gerrit Hansen, Jere Smith, Kathy Halgren, Joan Minnis, Mary Boley. Please do email or give a call sometime. I'm still here and still love talking about your writing and your lives. Also still doing online classes through Everett CC and Edmonds Parks as well as Sharing Stories and Poetry and Writing Corners at Northwest Prime Time.
Mother's Day flowers and decorative cat as well as heart balloon in background.
Love and hugs to all my writing friends!