Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Get Creative

 "All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no mind, from inner stillness." Eckhart Tolle

My Creative Writing Lab groups learn all the ways to create without doing it on purpose, engaging that inner stillness instead of trying to force the intellect to do a job it was not designed for. Plus, it's a really fun process. Ariele 

Friday, February 9, 2024

 Resume 2023       

Ariele M. Huff

360-637-8002 ariele@comcast.net

1520 West 8th Street

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Check out the links at the end

EDITOR Positions: NW Prime Time Poetry and Writing Corners & Sharing Stories (2000-current), American Road magazine (02-08) Senior Editor & Feature Writer, Writers’ Wings newsletter (96-06), ARTERIAL Literary Journal (92‑93), Epicenter Press (90‑91), FINESSE magazine (1990), RV LIFE magazine (87‑90), Ebbtide (bi‑weekly 1985), Polaris (weekly 1984), Gentleman's Companion (82‑84), Before the Sun Literary Journal (1980).

Job Duties: Coordinating advertisers, writers, production staff, and publishers to produce weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly publications. Assessing readership needs, assisting staff and freelancers, managing budgets, promoting publisher/advertiser messages and philosophies, maintaining records and correspondence with readers, advertisers, and writers. Originating advertising programs, contests, surveys, direct mail projects, etc. Writing advertising and content copy. Copyediting and proofreading. Mediating between publishers and staff. Mailing complimentary copies and other materials. E-mailing, responding to reader and writer inquiries. Contractual editing—substantive and copyediting for over 200 books, also manuals, materials, and marketing tools, including subcontracting through Elizabeth Lyon and Editing International, LLC: nonfiction/fiction and marketing tools 2004-current. Resulting in several awards for publications, including Mr. Magazine’s “Top 30” 2003 American Road, L.A. Times “Best travel books 02” for Route 66: Romance of the West, Distributors’ “Most Promising New Magazine” 1990 for FINESSE for Women, Pea Pod Kids Pop‑up Book bestseller Frederick & Nelson’s 1986, “Editorial Excellence” Community College Journalism Board 1985 Ebbtide.        


COLUMNIST and FREELANCE WRITER Positions: Northwest Prime Times Writing Corner, articles (2000-current) Washington, Camper’s Monthly (96-00) Syndicate, Western RV News (90-08) Regional, Camping & RV (88‑97) National, TUX magazine (1984) National, SLIMMER magazine (83‑86) National, Active Singles Life (83‑90) Syndicate, Pillowtalk magazine (79‑86) National, several other columnist positions, including at ALL periodicals where I was editor.

National and Local Articles Freelance writer since 1979, published in: Woman’s Day, New Spirit Journal, Seattlewoman, Northwest Travel, Travelin', Independent Times, Body Mind SPIRIT, Phinney Ridge Review, The New Times, Stalking the Seattle Bargain, UW Daily, RV Life, North  Seattle Press, Inner Woman, Prime Times, Creative Computing, RV Today, American Road, Sunshine Magazine, Serendipity, Woodall’s, American Astrology, Starlog, Creation, and many others. 33+ physical books, most also with ebooks at Amazon.

Job Duties: Creating and proposing unique column and article ideas and topics. Researching the periodical market and traveling to collect photos and information. Interviewing, reviewing, researching, writing, copywriting articles and columns. Meeting deadlines.  Revising and proofreading materials. Generating contests, developing advertising strategies, designing advertorial campaigns. Resulting in awards, promotions, complimentary trips, gear, meals, accommodations, etc.                       


SUBSTANTIVE AND COPY EDITING (over 400 books)    1985-current


Ariele M. Huff                                   



Instructor (since 87) Everett CC, Cascadia CC, Shoreline CC, Lake WA Voc Tech,

Edmonds Parks Dept, Edmonds Waterfront Center, UW Women’s Center,

Greenwood, Edmonds, Mt Lake Terrace, Shoreline Sr Ctrs:

Leading, creating, arranging, & publicizing writing workshops, classes, and events.

Additional: EDCC (cont. ed. & regular program Journalism 135), BCC (cont. ed), SCC (Learning Lab & cont. ed.), NSCC (cont. ed. & ESL Center), PNWC & WOTS (speaker, contest judge, group leader). Still running online classes for Edmonds Parks Dept. & independently. Publishing Brands: Candy Bar Books, Band-Aid Books.


Misc. Skills POD & eBook creation, Blog Hosting, Website Segment Hosting, Photography, Substantive Editing, Lecturing, Curriculum development, Proofreading, Event Coordination, Darkroom Development, Budget Management, Reviewing & Interviewing, Supervision & Training, illustration (in several eBooks/PODs including a children’s book).


Volunteer: KSER FM (program writer & producer, on-air personality, newsletter editor), Pathways for Women (writer), Deaf Women's Conference (speaker), Development of Positive Potential Seminars (facilitator), Realization Seminars (lecturer), John Bastyr Naturopathic College (writer), Phinney Neighborhood Center (newsletter writer), Bathhouse and Taproot Theatre Companies (reviewer). HOMECOMINGS! Seminars (writer/lecturer/facilitator).


EDUCATION     Over 350 college credits (overall 3.97 gpa) 

     AA (Shoreline CC—Education) 1978

     BA (U of W—English with a Writing Emphasis) 1992

                             Literary Journal Editor (Chemeketa CC)  1980


HONORS          Graduated on President's List, Scholarships

    Literary Journal Media Spokesperson and Editor: Chemeketa CC

                            Graduated in Honors Programs

                            Golden Key Honor Society, Phi Beta Kappa nominee


AWARDS       Chatter House Press contest, Bringing Home the Bacon: 7 Successful Women,                                                                                        Fall 2014                Writer

Mr. Magazine’s “Top 30”                                     2003 American Road    Editor

L.A. Times “Best travel books 2002”: Route 66: Romance of the West     Editor

            Distributors’ “Most Promising New Magazine” 1990        FINESSE       Editor

                        Pea Pod Kids Pop‑up Book  bestseller F&N        1986                              Re-write

“Editorial Excellence” CC Journalism Board      1985        Ebbtide          Editor


DIGITAL  Hosting site: http://northwestprimetime.com/ LOCAL page—Sharing Stories

      Blogs: http://writerswingsbyariele.blogspot.com      http://fiftyshadesofgraying.blogspot.com/

      Websites:   http://ariele.freeservers.com/   

                        http://arielewriter.myfreesites.net (untended)


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Writing Corner: Developing Systems


As a 73-year-old woman, I’ve recognized the need to develop many systems for health, finances, and socializing.

As a lifelong writer and writing teacher, I’ve been developing systems for those careers since I began them.

From early on, I realized that my “night owl” proclivity worked well for my jobs. Put the kids to bed, give last feedings to animals, lock up the house, turn off lights, prepare the kitchen for use in the morning. Then, spend some time with my husband…talking or whatever we please. 😊 Once everyone else has nodded off, I go to my office and take advantage of the reality that my most prolific writing time is from 10pm to 3am. In my youth, I often did “all-nighters,” including whole book edits, whole chapter writes. I still do those, less frequently, but I know this is my best time for creating new curriculums, articles, poems, or book ideas.

For students, clients, friends who are “morning birds,” I recommend rising before others by an hour or two or waiting until they leave for school and work. Or, like I did at the height of parenthood, just getting used to a backdrop of repeated teen songs and/or squabbling. For a time after my nest emptied, I found myself leaving on music or television while I worked, as I’d become so accustomed to background noise.

It was amusing and satisfying when I awoke to the reality that I could stop doing that and return to my methods of having undisturbed work time.

In my late fifties, I welcomed a system I’ve called “slenderizing” which worked like this: I’d become aware that I was feeling too busy. At the point where the joy in my work started to sap, I’d look carefully at all my job commitments and select one or more to delete or just to give less time to. This also has become a continuing practice.

At 72, my attention was drawn to not having every word I wanted just as I wanted it. Quel dommage! (Translated by some as meaning “What a pity.” I like the image of “What a damage!”)

My system for this was to write those words and phrases, first on a small piece of paper on my monitor stand. When that was filled with “Ashram,” “filial duties,” “automat,” “Vagus nerve,” “vicarious,” and a few others, I put a grocery shopping-sized slip of paper on the side of the refrigerator, where it slowly but surely added “peccadillos,” the all important and oft-used “Freitag’s Pyramid,” “vaudeville,” and “burlesque,” as well as some others. About a year later, I went with a 3.5 by 8.5 magnetized back of a notepad. It contains some favorite words I find I need more now as a senior, like “patronize.” I look frequently enough at these sheets that I’m convinced I’ll never forget what is on them, no matter what else I don’t recall.

There are many other smaller systems like how I save my published pieces (in notebooks filled with plastic sheet holders or file drawers) or find information for articles (interviews and reliable sources) or research for my fiction (find more than one source to fill out story-contemporary setting, plot, characterization, philosophical, or dialogue issues), or put a rolled pillow in the middle of my back while I work, and so forth.

Doing this column has been educative. I’ve continued using all of these systems once they were begun. And, I think, have generated new ones as they’ve been needed. I’m congratulating myself on doing this work-necessary filtering of what I decide is the best for me and my career.

I’d love to have you join me in an online or ZOOM class sometime. Contact me at 50shadesofgraying@gmail.com to request a class flyer. I have Wednesday and Thursday and Friday ZOOM groups.



Friday, April 7, 2023

Ancient Healing Tools for Modern Stress

Edmonds Waterfront Center                Registration    425-774-5555

Edmonds Waterfront Center (schedulesplus.com)


ZOOM Group             Wednesdays   5/17-8/30    4:30-5:30pm    $60 for 15 sessions

You don’t have to be an expert to get some benefits from many ancient healing practices.  We’ll dip into a buffet of methods including Chinese Face Reading, Auras, mantras, Feng Shui, Yogic breathing and stretching, I Ching messages, mandala construction, chi centering, spirit animal selection, homeopathic principles, naturopathic herb and diet options, Tarot, Astrology, and a handful of more recent stress busters like Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Art Therapy, and Movement Therapy. And more topics in this “meant to be ongoing” group. 

Fun and relaxing: cheaper than a spa with more practical information. 

Here's the link for every week's meeting: 


Join us!

Monday, August 29, 2022

The Unity Challenge

 The Unity Challenge

 I’m pulling together a new book called The Unity Challenge and hoping you’ll contribute stories, anecdotes, or poetry to it.

I’d love to have you share my Unity Challenge with other writers, too.

The idea is to show real people's moments when they felt like they knew what it was like to "walk in someone else's shoes"...someone who lives or believes in a different way from us. For example: male/female, black/white, Democrat/Republican, urban/rural, young/old, chocolate lovers/those who like other candies, etc. The most important rule for inclusion in the book is that no negatives about either side are in the piece. 

Submit your anecdotes, brief stories, or poems to Ariele M. Huff, author of several anthology books of writing and poetry under the brand of Candy Bar Books. Ariele has solicited stories and poetry for and edited Northwest Prime Times Sharing Stories and Poetry Corner for over twenty years.

If a piece is selected for the book, the writer will get a free eBook version that they can share with family and friends.

I do edit most work I receive for Northwest Prime Time (rarely I only use an excerpt) and will certainly do those as needed for The Unity Challenge.


FYI—some of the selected pieces will also be used in the website segment (Sharing Stories) that I host for Northwest Prime Time.

Position in the eBook and in Sharing Stories is a nice opportunity to have published written work for a portfolio and to help other people get through this time with more comfort and hope. 


Send pieces to ariele@comcast.net.  Submissions will be copyrighted in the anthology.


Example of unifying, non-divisive writing follow.

P E A C E 

Forget old grudges, enmities,

Choose instead serenity,

Let anger, hatred, cease,

Live instead with love, peace.

With neighbors, friends, harmonize,

The happiness, joy, will surprise.

Barbara Ruby

Puyallup, Wa.


“Russian Soldiers in Ukraine”

I’m horrified, of course.

Agonized, terrified.

But hatred will not come.


They too march to die.

Some believe the lie.

Husbands, fathers, brothers—

all are sons, all have mothers.

Some enjoy torture and killing,

but many are afraid, less willing…

must get caught sometimes feeling.


Unexpected, a golden spark—

moments of compassion in the dark

must happen too…

a child moved aside,

a cup of water, a loaf of bread,

a house ignored, an order unsaid,

a door left open, a hand extended,

a horror implied but not intended…

hearts meet, “enemies” friended.


These are easier images to keep,

easier thoughts to help us sleep…

and, truly a part of humanity that runs deep.

Ariele M. Huff



“Everything’s-for-Sale” sale.

Ten-dollar local antique—so frail.

Newcomer leaving for a “safer, redder” place…

wants to leave without a trace.

Old lady Dem and young bearded GOP,

we talked and laughed without a stop.

He carried my new/old treasure,

his kindness a touching pleasure.

Sad to see you go, departing friend,

but thanks for sharing at the end.

Ariele Huff

re-written from a published original





Fall 2022 quarter Writing Classes


Fall  2022         WRITING CLASSES                                                   Ariele M. Huff

GREENWOOD Senior Center                                                            206-296-0875

ZOOM Writing Group    Thurs  3-4:30 pm     9/1-12/15 no class T’giving 

 15 sessions for $35!

ZOOM Link to be used each week:



*EDMONDS PARKS DEPARTMENT               Edmonds                        425-771-0230

 WRITE ABOUT YOUR LIFE ONLINE: Start at any time.         $102/$117 nonres


*MORE ONLINE CLASSES (done directly with me): Fiction Series, Script Writing, Feature Writing, Write to Inspire, Humor Writing, The Art of Storytelling, Self Portrait Books, Basics for Writers II, Writing with Style, Good Things, Build a Book, Life Map, Portrait Books, Storywheel Writing, Exploring Poetry, Write from the Heart, Short Story Writing, Early Authors, Herstory, Neighborhoods, Guilty Pleasures, Literary Methods, Character Development, The Plot Thickens, Processing Loss with Writing, The Joy Diet, Joyous Ruminations, Writing Winning Letters & E-mails, Becoming an Editor, Technical Writing & Editing, The Writers Journey, Write to Grow, Travel Writing, Monster Club (for kids & adults). $100 for 10 sessions—Tech Writing & Early Authors (4), Writers Journey (12), Ancient Healing Tools for Modern Stress (15). Ancient Healing Tools for Modern Stress is currently very popular. Includes astrology, tarot, feng shui, yoga methods, I Ching, some crystal uses, mandalas, and some modern tools like art and dance practices. 15 sessions. These are really fun as Skype meetings.


Contact: ariele@comcast.net 

Website http://arielewriter.myfreesites.net  (not kept current, but some good info)

Phone: 360-637-8002

Blogs:  http://writerswingsbyariele.blogspot.com and  http://fiftyshadesofgraying.blogspot.com/

 Blogs get new posts, as you can see. :-)  

NW Prime Time’s website: I host Sharing Stories. http://northwestprimetime.com/  I collect stories, essays, poetry for Sharing Stories. Also collect poetry for Poetry Corner and author the Writing Corner.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

More Free eBooks Including Sacrifice: Complete (the last half of it ALL NEW).

 Free eBooks at Amazon

Processing Loss Workbook 1/1/22 to 1/5/22

Sacrifice: Complete 1/8 to 1/12/22

This is the paperback and eBook that I published on Christmas Eve. The book contains all the Sacrifice eBooks I've already published and several others to end the book. If you've been reading the Sacrifice eBooks, the only way to see all the last ones in the book are to download or read the Sacrifice: Complete eBook. Of course, I'd really love it if you bought the paperback version and wrote a wonderful five-star review about it! (If you have suggestions, please connect directly with me rather than putting them into a review. This is true for all my books as even one 4-star review makes books far less available to new readers.)

Gratitude: 1/15 to 1/19 

Housekeeping: 1/22 to 1/26

Making Mud Angels: 1/29 to 2/2

Hope you had good holidays and enjoyed some pretty snow falls but were able to get to places without too much slipping and sliding 😊

Ariele M. Huff