Monday, November 27, 2017

I'm BACK!!!

After a couple of years, I suddenly figured out how to get back into all my blogs! Including this one! 
   Here's the info on the new book and some free eBook downloads for the holidays.

The Friendship Book can now be ordered as a paperback pre-Christmas. Takes about 10 days to arrive so do it soon. The paperback is $5.99. if you have Amazon Prime, you get free shipping…and often get to read the eBooks for free.)
   The eBook is 99 cents and can be ordered for yourself, loaned to one friend at a time, or you can buy eBooks and give as gifts. (The plus to an ebook, aside from the price, is that photos are all in color and that you can give them up to a day or two before Christmas/Hannukah.)

   Until Wednesday 11/29, the free eBook download is my husband’s children’s book Magical Christmas Pizza. I did the illustrations. This is the link:
   Free eBook for 12/2 to 12/6 is Gratitude.

   Free eBook for 12/9 to 12/13 is The Holiday Sampler we did last year. 
   My eBook called  Merry Christmas  was on free download last week but is 99 cents mother wrote and painted this little book for my sister and me at my 3rd Christmas (1952).
   As always, I LOVE ❤❤❤❤ reviews. Five star reviews with praise are a great way to help these books attain good search function and to protect them from trolls or haters. If you can’t give any eBook 5 stars, please tell me why in an email (NOT in a review online) and I’ll determine if I that’s a change I can make so that you can give it a good review! My email is
   Happy, happy Holidays and thanks for being a friend!  Ariele

A good question

A writing question from a long time student. I think the answer will help others too!
   You know Ariele I often wonder how much candor and self pity would cause my ALLEGED memoirs to be unreadable. I'm pretty sure that is the main reason I can't write... how can I overcome the disease and not the fear office writing block? (Rhetorical?) MW
Answer: We often have to write our way out of negative emotions…or talk our way out. Then you can share the parts that have interest. We often have to write our way out of negative emotions...or talk our way out. Then you can share the parts that have interest. You can't see anything but pit when you are in the pit. That's not interesting to other people. But when a personal story can be shared by someone who can stand outside the pit and look in--reporting what happened without being too biased or blaming--with interest and compassion for the self and for others involved, then it becomes readable and useful to others. Ariele
Thanks that is useful. I've been in the pit for such a long time that I forget where I am compared to those who interact with me from above. I'm definitely still in what was new normal 2 yrs ago. No longer new but a pit. Pity. I'm getting tired insisting on my way of climbing out. I had definitely lost perspective and your encouragement/ perspective was valuable. MW